Pregnancy can affect almost every part of your body, and your mouth and taste buds are no exception. Many expectant women report having a metallic or sour taste in their mouths as one of their pregnancy symptoms. The change in their sense of taste, known as dysgeusia in medical terms, can persist even when they're not eating. Fun!

When does the metallic taste start during pregnancy?

That metallic taste in your mouth is a common pregnancy symptom in the first trimester. One study found that a whopping 93 percent of pregnant women reported some change in taste during pregnancy, so you're in very good company if you're experiencing it.

What does it feel like? Some moms have compared it to the taste of spare change or drinking water from a metal cup. Others say it's more of a sour taste, and it appears even when they're not eating anything. While it's hard to put into words exactly what the experience is like, you'll recognize it if and when it happens.

What causes you to have a metallic taste during pregnancy?

Dysgeusia is caused by changes in your hormone levels during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones, in particular estrogen, seem to play a role in controlling and moderating our sense of taste.

And when you're pregnant, estrogen levels — and hence your taste buds — may fluctuate widely. Plus, your senses of taste and smell are intimately connected, so pregnancy-related changes in how sensitive your nose is may also lead to that metallic taste during pregnancy.

All this activity in your mouth means your pregnancy hormones are kicking into high gear (though just because you never experience this symptom doesn't mean your body isn't in baby-making mode). As your pregnancy progresses and your hormones settle down, the metallic taste should dissipate.

What can I do about having a metallic taste when I'm pregnant?

For something we don't hear much about, dysgeusia is surprisingly common in pregnancy. Here's what you can do to make food and liquids taste more normal:

  • Try banishing that metallic taste with acids. Focus on sour flavors such as citrus juices, lemonade and — assuming your tummy can handle them — foods marinated in vinegar (pickles anyone? After all, you are pregnant!). All these foods not only have the power to break through the metallic taste in your mouth during pregnancy, they also increase saliva production, which will help wash it away.
  • Talk to your practitioner about changing your prenatal vitamin; some seem to lead to metal mouth more than others.
  • Brush your tongue each time you brush your teeth, or rinse your mouth with a mild salt solution (a teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water) or a baking soda solution (1/4 teaspoon baking soda in 8 ounces of water) a few times a day to neutralize pH levels in your mouth and keep away that flinty flavor.

Can I prevent having a metallic taste while I'm pregnant?

You can't prevent the metallic taste during pregnancy, but knowing it might happen will help you prepare mentally for this strange but harmless symptom.

When can I expect having a metallic taste to end?

Like morning sickness, dysgeusia should get better (or, if you're lucky, disappear altogether) in your second trimester when those hormones begin to settle down a bit. If not, it should go away after birth.